Health | Wellness | Mindset
Lifestyle & Confidence
Join me on a highly motivational and empowering 12-week confidence coaching journey
where we’ll create, and implement, a healthier and happier lifestyle strategy which elevates your mindset and boosts your self-confidence!
Together we’ll develop an easy-to-adopt lifestyle plan that works for you – and your busy schedule – which streamline’s your days, and sends your energy levels soaring!
Through my 5-step confidence coaching methodology you’ll learn how to:
- Manage your time more effectively.
- Overcome procrastination and self sabotage.
- Reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
- Gain clarity to refocus, and prioritise.
- Improve your physical and mental health.
- Cultivate a supportive environment.
Gaining you more time and freedom to focus on the things that matter most to you and the knowledge, insights, and tools to ensure you stay on track!
During our time together you’ll gain serious traction on yourself with the consistency of your programme and the daily accountability with myself.
You’ll embed the core habits which will keep you motivated and energised every day.
By the end of the 3 months you’ll have a routine that you love, runs on autopilot, and is sustainable.
What you fuel your body and mind with and your style of life directly impacts how you look and feel which in turn dictates your outlook and feelings towards yourself and your abilities.
Your CJC Confidence Coaching app will be programmed just for you with:
- Your super flexible nutrition plan to ensure your energy levels are high, hormones balanced, and mood elevated to perform each day at your best.
- Personalised SMART goals and your very own tailored habit tracker to keep you motivated and held accountable.
- Tailored daily activity plans to keep you moving and energised.
- 1:1 weekly progress checks-ins and progress analysis.
- Direct message – always on hand with A’s to your Q’s!
- Monthly mindset coaching to switch up your thinking and reframe any set-backs into get-backs!
- Daily support for both your physical and mental health.
- Daily accountability with your pre-defined goals and tailored habit tracking in your app.
- Coaching on nutrition, fitness, and mental health to educate and elevate both you and your lifestyle.
- Custom nutrition and activity plans tailored to you ensuring you continually progress.
- 24/7 online support and direct communication with me.
INNERGISE reignites your fire for life and supercharges your confidence to ensure each and every day is energising and exciting!
- Interrupt negative thought patterns
- Manage your time more effectively
- Set clear boundaries and stick to them
- Manage stress and anxiety
- Stop self-sabotaging behaviour
- Build more confidence in yourself and your abilities
- Communicate with people more effectively
- Deal with burnout now, or avoid it in the future
12 weeks transformative 1:1 coaching
1.5 hour on boarding call
Concise report detailing the areas we will be I feel we should be working on
Weekly 1:1 check-ins and guidance
Further x6 coaching calls
Custom nutrition plan tailored to you and your goals from our in house nutritionist, Tom Blackman
Custom activity plan tailored to your abilities and accessibility
Tools and resources that make it easy for you to take action
Personalised app access
Tailored SMART goals and habit tracking
On demand support (within reason) from me with direct text and video messaging through Voxer
INNERGISE and beyond! Here’s Dave’s story…
We will have our initial onboarding call to find out exactly where you are at, where you want to get to, and pin point those areas of resistance and blocks.
We'll uncover what you specifically need support with, and clarify your goal(s) and direction.
I will then create your lifestyle strategy, focusing on the specific areas I believe we need to in order to get you thriving!
While I'm creating your strategy, you'll be sent through a form which goes to our nutritionist, Tom Blackman, to create your bespoke nutrition plan and you'll also receive an invite to the coaching app where you'll be asked to fill out a consultation form which allows me to finalise you plan with with activity and habit tracker, as well as SMART goals for you to refer to and tick off each day.
You'll also get an invite to my personal Voxer account which is where you'll be able to communicate privately with me over the 3 months alongside our 1:1 video coaching calls.
It will take 3-5 days to set you up on the app and for Tom to send through your nutrition plan.
I'll roll out each aspect of the strategy in stages over the first month, so as not to overwhelm you - We build slowly and consistently to ensure the changes and transformation lasts! - DO YOU OFFER PAYMENT PLANS?
- Yes, I can offer a payment plan for you if you would rather spread the cost. Most things in life come and go, can be taken or left, our mind and bodies are our homes forever so our health and wellness should be a priority - there is absolutely no other investment worth more of your time, money, and energy - yes, it can be hard to justify investing in yourself but you must remember that you can't function well, or support others to your best ability if you're not prioritising your health and self-care first.
- INNERGISE is tailored to the individual so while I can't guarantee specific results, I will provide a refund if you have not made progress over the 12 weeks, providing you have attended all of our coaching sessions and kept on track within the app - I can see everything that has or hasn't been done and adhered to!
INNERGISE is focused on long term sustainability, it educates and empowers you to make the right choices for yourself.
Everything is always easier to operate with a manual; including you which is why I have a strong focus on self-awareness, challenging your limiting beliefs, relinking your pain and pleasure points, levelling up your mindset, and properly defining your goals to ensure you reach them.
It's a holistic programme which focuses on both your professional and personal life; most other programmes focus on one and neglect the other which can cause imbalance or simply leaves you with missing pieces to the puzzle so it doesn't last!
The lifestyle strategy creation is designed fully around you for long-term sustainability - No quick fixes around here! I'm so confident I can get you results I will provide a full money back guarantee if you don't. - HOW MUCH COMMITMENT DO I NEED TO GIVE?
You will get out what you put in. Your program is designed with you, and for you, taking into consideration your current lifestyle and demands on your time. I will ensure it's manageable for you and we will tweak things as we go and you progress.
You'll be held accountable through the CJC coaching app with your daily and weekly activities, and targets, as well as on our 1:1 coaching calls. - WHAT HAPPENS IF I NEED MORE SUPPORT AFTER THE 12 WEEKS?
INNERGISE is designed to set you up for life.
You will have gained some serious traction - noticing HUGE changes mentally and physically - and you'll also be armed with all the knowledge and tools that you'll ever need to manage and support yourself going forward after the 12 weeks with ease.
There are other ways we can continue working together if you so wish, but let's cross that bridge when we get to it.
Hi, I'm Camilla
I’m a confidence and lifestyle coach, author, and agency CEO.
Having run multiple businesses within the luxury events industry for over 14 years I know first hand how difficult it can be balancing health and wellness goals alongside a busy work life.
However, through my competitive bodybuilding journey over the last 6 years I’ve learned some key strategies and techniques that enable busy professionals to improve their mental and physical health and elevate their performance.
I work with busy professionals to:
- Regain work/life balance
- Enhance their self-image
- Build self confidence from the inside out
- Improve their physical and mental health
- Increase both mental and physical strength and resilience
- Build a better body
- Create long lasting and easily sustainable lifestyle changes
- Gain more time, energy, and freedom to enjoy the things that matter to them