#NoFilterNeeded is on Audible & Live Chat Show


It feels like I’ve been away for-ever... but it’s really only been a couple of months!

The concept of time is still all over the place at the moment isn’t it?!

I truly hope you had a wonderful time over the festive period, made a positive end to 2020, and are making a good start to 2021… granted it’s looking a lot like 2020 with lockdown here in the UK but with the vaccine rolling out, there is light at the end of the tunnel and we’ve all just got to hang in here.

It’s an endurance test, I know. But endurance builds strength!

In December, I took myself off to the quiet corner for a bit of a break; to do some reflecting, and gain some perspective. Last year saw me throwing a tremendous amount of spaghetti at the wall to see what stuck and churning out content like nobody’s business!

And while I loved doing it all (and boy did I learn so much in the process!) it was a little too much for me to manage on my own.

I found myself in reactive mode for most of last year, which was to be expected given the pandemic that we were all thrown into, and most of us were living that way as a natural human response to something unprecedented.

But none of us can continue on in that mode as it’s not an effective way of working or living.

It burns up a huge amount of energy which leaves us depleted of our resources, burnt out, and riddled with anxiety.

No one wants that!

And so that is why I put my break before everything else because in that state I’m no good to anyone, and I couldn’t have sustained my actions last year.

I actually had my head down studying this month and have finally qualified as an NLP practitioner! I have a lot more practice to do but I’ve learned some powerful tools and techniques that I am exploring in practice and building upon for my coaching toolbox 😉

But during my time away from the day to day with the businesses, the biggest realisation for me was that I needed some help if I wanted to continue on with all my projects.

And so I sat down and dissected all my projects and tasks to see what should stay and what should go.. and I realised that they all had a purpose, they all provided value, and I actually enjoyed them all – for the most part.

So If I want to continue on with them all then I need some help.

So at the moment, a few projects are on hold (including the #NoFilterNeeded podcast) while I source the support I need to pick my video, audio, and written contributions back up again; properly and in a much neater fashion!

Until then, however…

I’ve teamed up with my lovely friend and fellow coach, Sam Horne, to host a live chat session on Instagram on Saturday mornings at 11am!

We’ll be covering different topics each week and we very much welcome suggestions and questions!  So feel free to email me or DM on Instagram and tell me if there is anything you would like support with at the moment, or any questions you may have, or just anything you’d like to know more about!

And finally, a 2020 project has just come into fruition yesterday… and #NoFilterNeeded the book is NOW ON AUDIBLE!! 🥳

So, if you enjoy listening to the podcast and watching my videos then you’re going to love this as I’m narrating it!

You can download it from audible by clicking here.

I’m going to leave it there for now, but I hope to see you over on Instagram on Saturdays for Brunch Live, and I look forward to sharing lots more with you this year and supporting you to be the best, and truest version of you, which will result in you living the most fulfilled life possible!

Keep shining, Keep smiling

Camilla xxx

On Key

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